
Chronicles | Guestbook
the cdf chronicles series

Musings, reflections and reminiscences from Alice Springs

This section of my web is dedicated to short stories about my life in Alice Springs (and even before Alice Springs!).  I created it so that I can share my feelings and experiences with friends, old and new.  I hope you enjoy my little anecdotes.  The Chronicle series is expanding, and there are now eight stories to read.  This is an ever-growing series, so watch this space!!

The dates listed below are the dates the stories were added, not the date they happened.  Some of them are quite old, but I hope you will agree they are worthy of their place here :-)

Alice - or is it Emerald? - Springs:  2 February 2001
Whippets vs dogs:  16 March 2001
Haji meets some horse-eating monsters:  10 April 2001
The bread:  10 April 2001
Birdseed:  28 August 2001
Kitty + Rabbit = pandemonium!  20 September 2002
Skud Stories:  updated 21 July 2003
The pork roast:  1 October 2002

the cdf chronicle series
© 2001-5   ozziewhippets web services
last updated on 21st July 2005