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ozziewhippets Bookkeeping, Secretarial & IT services
About ozziewhippets

The beginning.....

ozziewhippets  Bookkeeping, Secretarial & IT services

For some reason I have always enjoyed typing.  I started on an old manual typewriter I managed to rescue from the rubbish bin - it probably dated back to when typewriters were first invented!  I progressed to more modern manual typewriters, then to an electric one, then a word-processor, and finally to personal computers.  Once I started working as a typist (as opposed to "playing" at being one!) my job progressed in similar fashion.  With the advent of personal computers, I found myself doing less typing and more formatting, producing "camera-ready" documents to be sent to the printer.  Next came the ability to print professional documents on fancy laser printers without ever leaving the office, and finally web pages and almost no need for paper at all!

Web pages fascinated me right from the start, and I published my first personal web site as my Christmas present to myself in the year 2000.  Writing HTML code became a hobby which happened to be part of my job as well, and I have helped create and maintain web sites (both external and internal "LocalWebs") for my last three employers.  I have also created and maintain club and family sites.

As time moved on, my interests expanded to include "all things IT".  I spend an ever-increasing amount of time "fiddling" with computers - networking;  setting up new computers;  transferring data between computers;  troubleshooting and repairing software and hardware problems;  backing up;  avoiding and removing viruses/spyware;  and guiding and helping other users.

Friends started asking if I'd help with various Bookkeeping and IT problems, and as I enjoy this work I decided to start a hobby business to cater for this demand - and that is how ozziewhippets Bookkeeping, Secretarial & IT services was born.  I work closely with both suppliers of IT equipment and more experienced IT professionals, so if a job is too big or complicated for me I have easy access to further help.

About webpages...

There is so much "stuff" available to put on web sites - too much "stuff", in my opinion!!  Have you ever been irritated by pages that are slow to load - usually because of an excess of large images?  Have you ever found pages difficult to read because of all the flashing and moving pictures, and different colours and fonts?  Have you ever given up on loading or reading a page halfway through because it is so long?  Been irritated because of the repeated scrolling necessary to read a page that is many, many screens long?  These are the things which I have found annoying when browsing the internet.  These are the things I want to avoid in my web pages!

Mission statement

ozziewhippets Bookkeeping, Secretarial & IT services aims to:

  • create clear, concise, uncluttered and affordable web sites that are aesthetically pleasing, quick to load, and easy to navigate regardless of the browser used by the viewer;
  • provide quality, affordable IT help;
  • explain IT matters in understandable terms and be available for ongoing and follow-up help;
  • promptly identify matters that are too complex and recommend a source of more experienced help.

ozziewhippets specialises in personal and club web sites at very affordable prices.

 Last updated: 2 November 2007  -  ows © 2002-2012